Trans Fat, Top Ten Reasons To Avoid

1-Significantly increases LDL (bad) cholesterol while simultaneously lowering HDL (good) cholesterol. 2-Causes systemic inflammation leading to arthritis. 3-Contributes to heart disease and stroke. 4-Causes formation of abdominal fat. 5-Contributes to insulin resistance and diabetes. 6-Escalates chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 7-Causes atherosclerotic plaque accumulation by weakening the inner lining of blood vessels. 8-Alters the configuration…

Top Ten Reasons To Stay Away From Sugar

High-calorie carbohydrate that has no useful nutrients for the human body Contributes to obesity by inhibiting leptin (satiety hormone) Contributes to nutrient deficiencies Bad for teeth. Provides digestive energy for tooth decaying bacteria Leads to insulin resistance and Diabetes Contributes to cancer by causing constant low-grade inflammation and fueling cancer cells Contributes to elevated LDL…