Top Ten Facts About GMO Foods You Didn’t Know

Virtually all commercial GMOs were engineered to tolerate toxic herbicides and pesticides. None of the current GMO crops demonstrated increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutritional value or any other consumer benefit touted by the chemical manufacturers. Genetic engineering bypasses natural breeding and ignores natural species barriers by inserting foreign genes into a cell or using…

Top Five Reasons why Beans and Lentils are not Good for Consumption

PHYTATES Phytates bind to minerals present in beans and prevent absorption of iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc in human body making beans nutritionally insignificant LECTINS Lectins, nature’s own pesticides, are abundant in beans and legumes. Lectins are known to damage our gut barrier cells and cause intestinal permeability. Leaky gut promotes consistent low-grade inflammation and…


The Paleo Diet is defined as a set of nutrition principles based on evolutionary biology and supported by the most current research on optimal health and well-being. What it means, in practice, is very simple – The Paleo Diet is about consuming only whole, unprocessed foods, vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, high quality dietary fats, nuts,…